Picture Of My Journals

Favorite Quote

"Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been really busy with this burden called high school."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

August 1995 (Age 13) Future Part 1

"In my dreams I can do everything I can't do now. I'm 24/26 have one several Academy, Emmys, Grammys, whatever the ones called for broadway. Not to mention I've won the World Series and an award for being the first woman to play on the mens MLB. Plus Playmate of the year (Hey, why not go all the way!)..."

To be continued...

Currently I am 27. I am not athletic, I have a college degree from a state college, a dog, 2, cats, and a husband. I doubt Mr. Hefner has heard about these momentous accomplishments, which is why he has not called me yet.

September 1993 (Age 11)

"How's it hang'n? Not so good for me; my little sister has got my parents rapped around her little finger!"

April 1996 (Age 13)

"Hi! Right now I'm watching ER, with incredibly sexy George Clooney. I think he's going to be in this episode a lot . Hold on it's on again."

April 1996 (Age 13)

"Hi I'm back (and writing in pen which is like really weird because I'm so used to writing in marker), this like a record for me I've never written 3 times in one day before. Anyways the reason why I'm writing (again) is because I just realized something again."

Friday, April 2, 2010

January 1993 (Age 10)

"P.S. Tammy is NOT one of the coolest kids in the school she is a NERD!"

February 1996 (Age 13)

"Hey Sup? Did you know that some friends are pretty cool, but when you go out in public they're total jerks!"

December 1996 (Age 14)

"Hey what's up? Not much here I have a problem and his first name is Vick. It's driving me insane! Do you know how hard it is to look at something you can't have. Something that you'd give up practically anything to have. I mean you don't know how many hours I spend thinking about Vick and how great it would be if we were to go out."

May 1996 (Age 13)

"Last night ER was pretty good. Dr. Ross now hit the sack with his dad's girlfriend."

October 1994 (Age 12)

"It's been a long time since I've written, I'm sorry, well here's the details: I'm in 7th Grade- which is a pain."

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 1996 (Age 13)

I love my sister!

"I can't believe my sister has a boyfriend and I don't! I don't mean to sound conceited or anything, but I such a better people person, and she's such a nerd! Actually I do kind of act snobby towards people sometimes I'll try and change that."

"Try" being the key word.

Friday, March 19, 2010

April 1995 (Age 12)

"Hi! I don't know why I'm writing , but I am you know I really don't feel like doing my homework. Pretty cool huh? I feel giddy!

Today (wow big indent) Mary gave me a picture of George Clooney pretty cool huh? Well, I'd better go do my math. Well, not right now I'M LOSING MY MIND! COOL HUH? Well, I'd guess will seriously go now. Hasta la vista (baby)"

August 1993 (Age 11)

"Let's get on the subject of boys/men. All I can think about now is Laser I mean he's sooo cute! Every single night I think about him. I always hope that I will either be his age or that he will be mine. (I would prefer choice number one if you know what I mean.)"

January 1995 (Age 12)

"On Friday I was on my way to lunch and you would not believe what I saw. Beside a line of lockers my 5th grade best-friend Jane Smith necking with some 8th grader. I mean I had seen her walk down the hall holding hands with but this was like serious making out! I was like in state of shock, I'm surprised they didn't get caught- your not allowed to make out at the middle school oops gotta go!"

January 1996 (Age 13)

Even at a young age I was a bargain shopper...

"As I was exiting the door to go onto stage Monica yelled to me 'Where did you get that outfit the Gap? I love it?" I just said thanks, nodded my head 'no', ran out the door, and smirked. I didn't bother to tell her that I got it at Caldors!"

July 1996 (Age14)

"I mean I wonder what a prostetutes life is like- I would never be one, but you gotta wonder what's going through a person's head when that happens, I 'm what do you do just wake up and say 'Hey I'm going to be a hooker.' A hooker should write a diary I mean I would buy it- seriously."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

November 1995 (Age 13)

"I think I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up! I want to be a (drum roll please) teacher for adults who have problems learning." .... "I figured that out today while watching Walker Texas Ranger."

Monday, March 8, 2010

September 1993 (Age 11)

The obsession begins...

"Guess who's got another crush? You've got it ME! (like DUH) But I bet you can't guess who it is? Well I'll tell you any ways. It's the man who plays Clark Kent on Lois and Clark he is totally cute!"

While writing this post I decided to watch the first episode of Lois & Clark, and all I can say is...wow. Mid 90's special effects, horrible puns, Terri Hatcher's horrible clothing... this show is ridiculous. My favorite part was the montage of Clark's mom trying to come up with a good costume for him. Even with all that cheesiness I still can't help but still ogle Dean Cain in those tights.

November 1994 (Age 12)

"On Thursday I tried out for Annie and boy did I screw up- majorally! I forgot a line and I sang awful! I mean it sounded like I was killing a cat or something!"

September 1996 (Age 14)

"Hi! I haven't written in so long! Well, I'm in High School no. It's pretty interesting because here I am a 14 year old freshman with these 18 year old seniors who are like adults. It's really weird, because it's like I have to totally grow-up in 4 years it's really weird and kind of scary, because I mean I can't get over that I will be able to drive in 2 years, be taking the SAT's in 3 years and in 5 years I will be without the friends I've grown up with and known forever."

June1996 (Age 14)

Sorry I got a little behind...I will make up for it.

"Hi! Today was the 8th grade farewell dance, AKA the formal. I looked kind of bad but I saw James, Dennis, and BEN! I danced with Ben too. I know what your thinking, and I wish it was what you're thinking, but it as group dancing."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

December 1995 (Age 13)

I don't even know what to say about this...

"Hi! Can't write much cuz it's 11:30 pm and I'm in the bathroom."

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

September 1993 (Age 11)

"Just to tonight my dad tells me to stop PLAYING! I wasn't even planning on PLAYING I was DECORATING my old dollhouse to look like Claudia Kishi's house from Baby-Sitters Club books! I mean there's a big difference from PLAYING and DECORATING!"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

April 1994 (Age 11)

Doesn't everyone's heart break a little when their favorite TV show won't have a new episode for another 2 whole weeks?

"I'm depressed. Oh am I depressed. I don't think I've been this depressed in my whole entire miserable life. If you're stupid (which I know you aren't) you're probably saying to yourself "Gee is something the matter." and I'd reply DUH!"

Monday, March 1, 2010

August 1995 (Age 13)

Good old Jason.

" 'I Could Fall In Love With You' 'So no one told life was gonna be this way' I've got songs on the brain. The first one was from Selina she's a great singer but someone murdered her. The second song was I'll Be There For You the theme from Friends sang by the Remberants." ... " 'Don't go Jason waterfalls please stick to the river and lakes that you're used to' Waterfalls by TLC. "

Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 1996 (Age 13)

"I'm happy for Jane. She called me today and told me that she made a complete fool of herself in front of Jim. Not that I'm happy that acted totally weird in front of a guy that she likes, I'm just happy that her hormones are working."

Saturday, February 27, 2010

October 1992 (Age 10)

"Oh ya I'm entering a contest for the national hear assotion. It's jumping rope for 3 hours but we have 6 partners. You can win mint prizes like basketballs."

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 1996 (Age 13)

What did you learn in school today?

"Sup? Today in gym we did square dancing, gag! We also did line dancing which was pretty cool. We did the Macarana, and you have to shake your butt and the end in class I barely did it, but if Will or Calvin were standing behind me I would shake my booty like there was no tomorrow!"

August 1996 (Age 14)

"It's weird to think for 17 days 97 nations can ignore any differences they have for the Olympics. If they can forget other people's differences for little over 2 weeks how come they can't for a month, or a year, or 2 years, or forever."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

January 1997 (Age 14)

Damn you Nick at Nite!

"I was just watching Happy Days (which is a really cool show) and you know it takes place during high school and when you listen to the song part of it say "These Happy Days are yours and mine share them with me" and it shows like a group of friends together and in the show they have like a hangout and everything and I'm like I have none of that. I mean the only time I hangout with my friends is when we're at school or if one them has a party- which is for birthdays. I mean later in my life I'll look back on my high school days and say 'Man those really suck.' "

July 1993 (Age 11)

"..and one of them was the cutest sexyist (probably even the strongest) okay lets face it he is a major HUNK I mean I have major dreams about this guy (Yes he's that handsome) I mean he had me spellbound (Yes I got that from Paula Abdul) I mean he's like this major cute guy I mean I'd do practilly anything for him. But the sad part about this is that he lives in Los Angles California. But the good part is that I can watch him every Saturday on American Gladiators!"

October 1992 (Age 10)

"At chorus this girl named Linda who is in Mrs. R's class I had beutiful eye and in inermerals she said that I was pretty. Talk about comploments."

June 1998 (Age: 16)

"Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been really busy with this burden called high school."