Picture Of My Journals

Favorite Quote

"Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been really busy with this burden called high school."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

November 1995 (Age 13)

"I think I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up! I want to be a (drum roll please) teacher for adults who have problems learning." .... "I figured that out today while watching Walker Texas Ranger."

Monday, March 8, 2010

September 1993 (Age 11)

The obsession begins...

"Guess who's got another crush? You've got it ME! (like DUH) But I bet you can't guess who it is? Well I'll tell you any ways. It's the man who plays Clark Kent on Lois and Clark he is totally cute!"

While writing this post I decided to watch the first episode of Lois & Clark, and all I can say is...wow. Mid 90's special effects, horrible puns, Terri Hatcher's horrible clothing... this show is ridiculous. My favorite part was the montage of Clark's mom trying to come up with a good costume for him. Even with all that cheesiness I still can't help but still ogle Dean Cain in those tights.

November 1994 (Age 12)

"On Thursday I tried out for Annie and boy did I screw up- majorally! I forgot a line and I sang awful! I mean it sounded like I was killing a cat or something!"

September 1996 (Age 14)

"Hi! I haven't written in so long! Well, I'm in High School no. It's pretty interesting because here I am a 14 year old freshman with these 18 year old seniors who are like adults. It's really weird, because it's like I have to totally grow-up in 4 years it's really weird and kind of scary, because I mean I can't get over that I will be able to drive in 2 years, be taking the SAT's in 3 years and in 5 years I will be without the friends I've grown up with and known forever."

June1996 (Age 14)

Sorry I got a little behind...I will make up for it.

"Hi! Today was the 8th grade farewell dance, AKA the formal. I looked kind of bad but I saw James, Dennis, and BEN! I danced with Ben too. I know what your thinking, and I wish it was what you're thinking, but it as group dancing."